Old Sarum Primary School

Inclusion Value

Old Sarum Primary Values:

Community, Trust, Inclusion, Resilience, Aspiration 


What does it look like?

What might it sound like?

What is it not?


·         Feel understood

·         Able to voice their own needs

·         Access to the learning at their pace

·         Consisitent classrooms

·         All pupils able to make academic progress

·         Children feel supported and welcomed in school

·         Accepting of differences



·         I need … to help me

·         I remember I can use …

·         Please may you help me?

·         You can come and work / play with me

·         I understand that everyone needs different things to help them at school

·         I understand that everyone has a different family to each other (PSHE links)


·         Making fun of / teasing others

·         Excluding pupils who cannot access learning

·         Expecting all pupils to do the same

·         Excluding pupils due to any perceived difference



·         Reminding pupils of what can help them in their learning

·         High expectations for all

·         Adapting teaching to meet needs

·         Aware of and able to remove barriers for children

·         Having word mats / additional resources/ scaffolds

·         Use AFL to support indviduals

·         Seek additional support from SENDCo and outside agencies when needed

·         Use support plans

·         Celebrate differences with children

·         Support children with positive behavior choices

·         Support families


·         How can I help you with this?

·         Remember you can go to … (your quiet space /ELSA room / library etc)

·         What do you thin kwould help you now?



·         Sending pupils out of class

·         Not adusting learning to the needs of pupils

·         Dismissing pupil worries or barriers to learning

·         Not seeking additional support for a child when needed

·         Speaking in derogatory terms about groups



Leaders and Governance

·         Have appropriate inclusive policies in place and hold all staff to account for following them

·         SEND Governor monitors effectively and provides detailed feedback to Senior Leaders and Governors

·         Ensure, through monitoring, that there are equal and consistent opportunities for all pupils

·         Ensure staff have equal opportunities to CPD

·         Supporting staff who have medical or other needs by adapting working conditions

·         Provide mental fist aiders for staff

·         The SEND provision across the school is …

·         Progress for our SEND/EAL/PPD pupils is …

·         How can we improve?

·         What are the barriers?

·         What support can we put in place?

·         How will this be monitored?

·         Do not take concerns seriously

·         Do not listen to staff/ children/ parents

·         Does nothing to address issues

·         See things that need changing/ are not working and does nothing about it

·         Afraid to have difficult/ honest conversations

·         Do not put children first/ hold others to account

·         Do not identify priorites

·         Do not strategically plan

Pedagogy and Curriculum

·         Classrooms are well resourced to meet needs

·         Uses up to date understanding of subject knowledge

·         Adapted to meet the needs of all children

·         School environment is welcoming and inclusive

·         All children can access all resources and classrooms











·         How can we adapt this for…

·         Where are the gaps and how do we address them?

·         What interventions do we need for…

·         This relates to our school value of …. because…

·         I would like to share x progress in …. with you

·         This is how you can support your child

·         What more can I do to support you/ your child?










·         Poorly planned so not all children get what they need

·         No consistency

·         No progression

·         Inadequately resourced

·         Not monitored or adapted if needed

·         Not rooted in school values and vision

·         Not rooted in research/ evidence

·         Does not listen to pupil voice/ feedback

·         Does not provide feedback to children/ families

·         Sensory overload – colours and noise