Religious Education at Old Sarum Primary
That children respect and appreciate the different world religions and faiths that this encourages deep questioning, critical thinking and evaluation skills which help support spiritual development and helps to celebrate diversity.
We use Discovery R.E to deliver our curriculum and this is an enquiry-based approach that covers a range of world beliefs. Christianity is taught in every year group, developing the children’s learning in a progressive way. Buddism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are also taught to ensure a breadth of religions are covered in their primary years.
How it is taught and why
At Old Sarum we teach Religious Education weekly and from the starting point of a key concept. Through this our children experience the bigger picture and a wider context for the religion being taught. This gives our children a grounding in non-religion so that they can grasp their place in the world. From here we build on specific Religious Education knowledge that our children can link to what they have been taught from previous years and what they know about the world around them. This helps our children to develop a sense of tolerance, respect and spirituality.
Our aim is that all children will
- Have the skills to make sense of religion and belief, at an appropriate level of challenge for their age.
- They have positive attitudes and values which reflect and relate their learning in RE to their own experience.
- Have an understanding of the key concepts and knowledge of major world religions and faiths including Christianity, Buddism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.