Old Sarum Primary School


Old Sarum Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Who we are and what we do:

The Old Sarum Primary School PTA is a newly-registered charity (number: 1201550, https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5199239) and a group of volunteer parents and teachers who work (hard!) together to put on memorable events for the children and their families, whilst engaging with, and improving relations with the local community. We aim to raise essential funds for purchasing material improvements in the school to enhance the physical school area and learning environment for all who attend. We have recently been responsible for funding the new playground markings from the very successful community summer fête (July 2022) and funded the 2022 Christmas pantomime and accompanying refreshments for the children. We also supplied refreshments for their adults (via a very generous donation from the local Co-Op!) when attending the Key Stage 1 Nativity performances.

We hold committee meetings termly, to plan and organise future fundraising events.  Our next meeting is our termly committee meeting, which is due to be held on: Tuesday 24th September 2024 @ 7.30pm on Zoom - link to follow. Details are also on our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/OldSarumPrimaryPTA. You can contact us by messenger to clarify any details or please do approach us in the playground/ school as we will be wearing our PTA lanyards on drop-off and pick-up to ensure visibility to all.

We are always keen to welcome new people and their ideas for how to raise funds and how they can be spent, to the team (committee or simply event helpers) and would be delighted to hear from anyone that can spare a few hours throughout the year to help.  Please contact us via the Facebook page above or email: pta@oldsarum.wilts.sch.uk.

Officers and Charity Trustees:

Chair: Kathryn Sloanes


Deputy Chair: Lisa Clarke


Treasurer: Pippa Alford


Secretary: Julia Aley



Parent Committee Members:

Holly Gillespie:


Janine Harvell:


Marina Parnell:


Gemma Spearing:



Teacher Committee Members:

 Miss Jess Jarvis, Miss Rebecca Oakley, Mrs Rebecca Grace


Next Events (Spring/Summer Term):

  • KS1 Sports Day Sales, Friday 10th May, 1 - 3pm - refreshments, second-hand uniform and books
  • KS2 Sports Day Sales, Thursday 23rd May, 1 - 3pm - refreshments, second-hand uniform and books
  • 2024 Challenge - Friday 24th May - Friday 7th June - complete the sheet below and return before end of school on Fri 7th June
  • The Big Teddy Takeover - Friday 21st June - £1 in exchange for bringing your favourite (small max. 30cms) teddy to school. 50% raised to Julia's House and 50% to the PTA for the school.
  • Non-uniform day in exchange for Tombola prize, Friday 5th July 2024.
  • Summer Fête - Saturday 6th July , 2 - 4pm. Free entry, but bring cash for the stalls, facepainter, ice cream vans and caterers.
  • Summer Disco - Thursday 18th July - YR & KS1 4.30 - 5.30pm and KS2 6 - 7pm


Full events calendar for 23/24:


Next Event: Easter: Sports Day Sales






Upcoming Event: The 2024 Challenge,  Friday 24th May - Friday 7th June 2024




The Big Teddy Takeover, Friday 21st June 2024



Non-uniform day for tombola prize: Friday 5th July 2024


Summer Fête: Saturday 6th July 2024, 2 - 4pm



Summer Disco: Thursday 18th July 2024 YR & KS1 4.30 - 5.30pm, KS2 6 - 7pm


'Thank Yous':

Thank you so much to all families for your continued support in helping to raise vital funds for the school. Despite a very turbulent academic year (2022/23) for the governance in both the school and the PTA itself, we still managed to raise over £1,000 in profit and put on a very full and varied events calendar, which helped contribute greatly to the school calendar and its community. We look forward to seeing you at our planned events and to any suggestions you may have as to how the funds we raise can be spent. Also, a huge thank-you to St. Nicholas CofE Primary School Porton for their very generous donation of their pre-loved stage, which was delivered to the school on Monday, 25th September (thanks to Maria and the Salisbury Foodbank for her help and the loan of the van!) and can be used for future performances in the school! This is hugely appreciated as was near the top of our 'wish-list'.

Thanks so much to Bam's Grill and Gemma Tonks for inviting us to be the recipients of the funds raised from their Halloween themed quiz on Saturday 28th October 2023. We are most grateful and the money raised will be much-appreciated in our future projects, including the protective sails for the playground and development of a garden area.

Thanks to all who supported the 'Guess The Number of Eggs in the Jar' competition. It was again hugely popular and the kids loved it. We had lots of children get the exact answer in both Key Stages, so we drew their names form a hat and everyone who got the number spot on received a certificate! Thanks also the the fabulous Lightroom Gifts who donated the beautiful jars.

Disco 'Thank Yous':

Many thanks to Disco Dion for another fantastic evening; he was exceptional as always! Thank you so much to the parents and staff who so willingly gave up their free time to ensure that the event went ahead and was such as success as usual. Last, but by no means least, thank you to the children and their parents for their excellent behaviour and manners and supporting our event, to enable us to fund future projects for their benefit. We raised over £400 in profit, which we will be aiming to put towards further enhancing the outdoor area with sun shades and a garden area. If you have any other suggestions, please do contact us to let us know your ideas.

Recent updates


If you are looking to order name labels, please consider using MyNametags. The school's ID number is:  104980 and is detailed on the poster below and should be entered at checkout. It doesn’t cost you anything extra but the school will receive 24% of the cost of each order!




Bank Details for online payments

Don't forget if you don't have cash at any of our events, you can always send a bank transfer with your child's name as reference to:

Old Sarum Primary School PTA

Lloyd's Bank

Sort code: 77-50-12

Account number: 33917260

PTA documents: